crop faceless woman drinking tea and sitting near christmas tree

As the holidays come to a close, your post-holiday flare may just be beginning. If you are anything like me, you are trying to recover from the food, drinks, socialization, and activity. The time between Christmas and the New Year is often a time for people to laze around, but for spoonies, it is usually spent trying to get our bodies back on track.

Here are four ways to help you press reset and recover from the holidays.


Rest is such a crucial part of helping our bodies recover. Remember to take some alone time each day, even if you can only manage 10 minutes. Use the time to close your eyes, journal, read, meditate, or listen to music. Do whatever activity helps to calm your mind and honor your what your body needs most in that moment.


Many of us rely on our routine to stay healthy. The holidays sure know how to disrupt this! From eating and drinking things that we normally try to avoid, waking up early and going to bed late, this time of year has a way of making you throw the routine out the window. Be sure to jump back into your routine sooner than later.

Media Break

You may find that social media isn’t serving you in a positive way this time of year. If it is difficult to see other people enjoying things you cannot, celebrating big milestones you are having trouble reaching, it is okay to disconnect. Also remember that social media is often a highlight reel and fails to show the trials and tribulations that everyone experiences.

Say No

Just because Christmas has passed doesn’t mean the party stops. The socialization doesn’t seem to die down until after the New Year. Remember that you don’t have to fulfill every social obligation. Listen to your body and know when it has had enough. Saying no is a powerful yet simple tool!

I hope you were able to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends without much consequence. And if the holidays did not treat you kindly, I hope you take the time you need to rest and recover!