It is hard to believe I am wrapping up my second trimester of pregnancy! Time has truly flown by and for that I am so grateful! Being pregnant with fibromyalgia has been filled with so many unknowns. Before pregnancy trying to look up information on the connection seemed next to impossible. The only sentiment I kept seeing and hearing was “could get worse, could get better.” While this was true, it was totally unhelpful. So, I wanted to recap my journey thus far as a way to give others some insight on what their pregnancy could look like. Emphasis on the “could” because every body and case is so different!

Going off Medication

My doctors and I made the decision that going off my medications would be the safest thing for my baby. We also had the expectation that no medication may not be possible, but it needed to be explored. As I slowly weaned off my medication, my fibromyalgia pain began to increase and that was terrifying. Luckily, as I decreased my medication, my pregnancy hormones increased which means it began to balance each other out. So, while I had a few days of increased discomfort, my hormones quickly began to make me feel like I was still on my medication. Color me shocked (and very relieved). My pain levels overall actually decreased and have yet to have a flare-up! 

Starting Physical Therapy

Even though my pregnancy was helping my fibromyalgia symptoms, I wasn’t sure how long that was going to last and knew I might have some other issues pop-up along the way. I started doing aquatic physical therapy around week 10 of my pregnancy and still go 2x a week! While I can’t say definitively if it has been helping, it certainly hasn’t hurt. I also know it is going to help me in the recovery process after delivery. I highly recommend aquatic PT to any soon-to-be mama and/or fibro warrior! It has been great to help out with any discomforts that have come up like my sciatica and hip pain.

Rolling with Punches

Pregnancy brings a lot of annoying symptoms and some that feel totally random. As someone with a chronic illness, I am used to dealing with annoying or weird symptoms all the time, so this wasn’t anything new! I was actually grateful that my fibromyalgia gave me a higher tolerance for these things! I know that sometimes you just ride the waves of the uncomfortable symptoms instead of trying to fight them and that is exactly what I have done. 

Next Level Fatigue

I always thought my medications made me feel like a zombie, but I had no idea the level of fatigue I would experience in pregnancy would be so much higher. I have found a new respect for those with CFS or who really struggle with fatigue because it has been a real challenge for me. I was holding out for the second trimester energy boost that everyone kept saying was so amazing, but it never came and I don’t think it’s coming at all at this point! My fatigue has made it very difficult to work, write blog posts, and be active on social media. I am doing my best to honor my body and give it the rest it needs! 

Third Trimester

The closer I get to 3T and the bigger I grow, the more I feel my fibromyalgia pain creeping in. It is subtle, but enough for me to notice and recognize that my days with lower pain levels are numbered. The average pregnant woman experiences aches and pains, especially in 3T, and I know I am no exception. At the same time I am hoping the pain I experience isn’t too much worse. Only time will tell!

Overall, I wouldn’t say that pregnancy has been a walk in the park, but I am very grateful to have experienced a very healthy pregnancy thus far! If you’ve been pregnant with fibromyalgia did your journey sound like mine or totally different?