woman in gray tank top lying on bed

With my third trimester well underway, the countdown to baby can really begin! I am in full nesting mode getting everything ready for my sweet boy’s arrival: painting and decorating the nursery, cleaning out clutter, taking newborn classes, washing and sanitizing everything in sight and about a million other tiny things. Beyond the usual third trimester “to-do’s” I am also preparing myself for something else, the inevitable return on my fibromyalgia. 

While I would love to think pregnancy hit a reset button and has downgraded my fibromyalgia to mild, I know that likely isn’t the case. From what I’ve read, most people’s fibromyalgia returns after the conclusion of their pregnancy. Mentally, I am unsure of how I am going to handle the flood of returning symptoms, but here are the steps I am taking to best cope with its return. 

Continue to Practice Pacing

In managing my fibromyalgia, pacing has been one of the biggest things in managing my pain. Even though I have experienced a lower amount of pain during pregnancy, I have still practiced the art of pacing. But why not do it all while I have the chance?! Well, for one, I am pregnant which does slow you down anyway. Two, remember how difficult it was when you first learned you had to slow down? Going from 100 to 5 isn’t easy and can bring back those feelings of mourning for your past life. I simply did not want to experience that again. Lastly, I also know that continuing to listen and be gentle with my body will help with my overall recovery process after birth (at least I am hoping!)

Formula Feeding

The return of my fibromyalgia also means going back on my medication, which is not safe to use while breastfeeding. Not only that but breastfeeding is not an easy journey and requires a lot of a person, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many studies have shown that breastfeeding is more difficult for those with fibromyalgia. Knowing me and my body best, I know that formula feeding is the right option for me. As much as other people may turn their heads at this decision, I frankly don’t care! I’ve spoken with my doctors, done my research, evaluated my options and I am at peace with this decision. 

Perfect Set-Up

As I set up to bring the baby home, I am also thinking about what I can do to make things as easy as they can possibly be on my body. I live in a tri-level, so I am making sure to try and avoid the stairs as much as possible. I am setting up my bedroom to make it so that I can make bottles, change diapers, have snacks, watch TV, all in one place. I know postpartum is going to be tough on my body and the less running around like a chicken with its head cut-off the better it will be for my fibromyalgia. 

Staying Active in the CI Community

I’ll be honest, it has been difficult relating to my fellow spoonies during this pregnancy. I haven’t flared in 8 months, had to visit my Rheumatologist in almost 7, or played the game of “is this new symptom forever?” in a while. I am so grateful for this especially because I know not everyone with a chronic illness experiences pregnancy in this way. But staying active on Instagram has helped to remind me of the world I exist and truly belong in. It would be easy to have just disappeared for 9 months, but it wouldn’t have been fair to myself or the friends I have made along the way. 

I would be lying if I wasn’t scared for my Fibromyalgia to return. When chronic illness first develops it often comes out of nowhere, but knowing what’s coming is pretty daunting. The good news is right before I got pregnant I finally found a perfect combination of medication and I know I have a whole community of amazing spoonies to support me!